Monday, June 30, 2014

Mushroom and Mozzarella Toasts

The weather is lovely this time of year in NY.  The evenings are still cool enough to enjoy some al fresco dining.  I'm lucky enough to have a rooftop patio at my apartment, and for some reason I don't take advantage of it enough.  So, last week, I decided to invite a couple of friends over to enjoy the weather, along with some delightful company and conversation.  On their arrival my friends informed me that we would be doing some cooking before heading out to the patio, and I quickly obliged!

They brought with them some mushrooms, fresh mozzarella, and toasted bread to prepare a delightful little dish, which was absolutely divine.  The recipe is apparently a favorite of my friend and her beau, who is from Naples.  I'm told they make these toasts at least once a week.  I've prepared this dish several times in the past week or so, and it never fails to satisfy.  It's a quick easy recipe that requires minimal cooking, perfect for the summer months.  Admittedly, my version is a play on the original recipe from my friend's Napoletano boyfriend.  The original uses fresh bread that is toasted, instead of prepackaged toasts.  I've made a few other minor changes as well, to accommodate my preferences and cooking style.  Adapt accordingly, I say!

  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed (leave whole if you prefer to remove the garlic from the dish)
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons of tomato paste (for example, Amore, but canned is also good)
  • olive oil
  • 2 handfuls of cremini mushrooms, tops halved then sliced, stalks trimmed and diced
  • salt
  • a dash of red pepper flakes (optional)
  • parsley, chopped
  • 1 ball of fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced (I prefer a reduced fat option produced locally, sold by Gourmet Garage
  • toasted bread, anywhere from 2 to 6 slices depending on their size (I've developed a fondness for this toast by Sophia but fresh toasts are also fine)
  • mayonnaise

  1. In a medium (non-stick) skillet, heat the garlic and tomato paste in a generous amount of olive oil. Cook until the garlic is slightly golden.
  2. Add the mushrooms, and more oil if needed. Cook on a medium flame, stirring occasionally.  Add salt and red pepper flakes to taste.
  3. As the mushrooms are cooking, place mozzarella slices on a plate with some olive oil and parsley. Warm the slices in the microwave (~10 sec).
  4. If using fresh bread, lightly toast each slice. Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on each toast; place a slice of mozzarella on top.
  5. Once the mushrooms have cooked down, add the parsley, stir. Top each toast with a healthy amount of sauteed mushrooms and garnish with more parsley. (Remove the garlic cloves if you left them whole.) Serve.
I simply cannot get enough of these lovely little toasts.  The flavor is indulgent, but the amount of effort involved in preparing them is quite low, which makes the work-to-return ratio hard to beat.  The crispness of the toast compliments the slightly sweet/salty juiciness of the cheese and mushrooms.  Also, I was surprised to find that the mayo is essential, adding a bit of a base to it all, so I wouldn't omit this ingredient, really.

These toasts are great served as appetizers for a party, or on their own as a light summer meal.  The dish pairs nicely with a glass of light to medium bodied red wine.  (Choose a red from Italy to conjure up thoughts of dinning out on the piazza.)  For a more elegant presentation, using freshly toasted bread (a nice country-style loaf, pumpernickel, or any loaf that looks good for a bruschetta) would be perfect; I might also opt for more rustically chopped mushrooms, and would try adding a bit of thyme as well.  Enjoy (on the patio, if you must)!

al fresco dining on the patio